Thursday, May 3, 2012

Trolling smokers at work... great fun in a way! mostly makes me laugh at the responses I get, they are totally dismissing any and all facts about cigarettes that are 100% true. Cannot believe I used to do the same.

Yet still fun to argue about them being slaves to the habit, and are totally ignoring the fact that smoking in and of itself is neither cool, healthy or beneficial in any way. It makes you smell disgusting, makes you short of breath, impacts your taste and smell, seriously cuts into your finances and overall makes you a part of a minority that is getting smaller and smaller.

Here's to being free! I can only hope that I will keep my belief and determination to not smoke.
And I have to be honest, ranting here about people who smoke, writing about my dreams that are awesome, feeling good etc is great fun indeed.

But, like I've read, when the initial "high" of not smoking" wears off, many start again because they do not feel like they are a smoker anymore. And it has happened to many people when they're 3, 6 months or even years into being smoke free.

Overall, writing here about all this helps a lot, and I'm definitely sure that down the line, I can always come back to read what I wrote in the beginning, if I should ever have a serious thought about having a smoke.

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