So around 11pm - midnight it will be a full week without a cigarette.
Feels strange, but today I've felt a few times that I'd like to have one. More so than other days. Of course, this is/was to be expected and I'm not about to relapse, but it is annoying nonetheless.
Also I think I've noticed, that I have overall a lot more energy, with joy going up the stairs (skipping a step) to 5th / 7th floor. Still a bit breathless after, but it is so much easier than before, cannot believe it even.
And I'm finding it a great motivational urge for changing other aspects of my life. In a way it seems that smoking was keeping me down. Of course, actually I was keeping myself down, and this was just one of the symptoms.
But after removing smoking from the picture, it feels much easier to see what is happening and what I should change. Not to mention the fact that I happened to calculate how much money I was spending on cigarettes - it seems it was around 60 - 90 € per month, or up to 1080€ / year. That is a huge amount of money, I can't wait to see the savings in action over the long term.
For now, the last week I've already saved around €20. It puts things in perspective. :)
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