Thursday, May 10, 2012

Long time no post

Mostly it has been no need for me to post, as the days have been going past so fast without smoking as well. :)

However, yesterday was for some reason a bit more difficult, kept wanting a cigarette but the main thing is that I did not go to the shop to get some. After some time, the wishes passed so all is good again. Today not really wanting. Or in a way the thought is there of course, as the brainwashing is pretty strong in every smoker's mind, but it is quite easy to resist and passes fast. After all, cigarettes give you no benefits, and like so many smokers say "I smoke because I like to" (which is total bollocks) it is only the nicotine monster that wants a fix. I will keep on ignoring it. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Trolling smokers at work... great fun in a way! mostly makes me laugh at the responses I get, they are totally dismissing any and all facts about cigarettes that are 100% true. Cannot believe I used to do the same.

Yet still fun to argue about them being slaves to the habit, and are totally ignoring the fact that smoking in and of itself is neither cool, healthy or beneficial in any way. It makes you smell disgusting, makes you short of breath, impacts your taste and smell, seriously cuts into your finances and overall makes you a part of a minority that is getting smaller and smaller.

Here's to being free! I can only hope that I will keep my belief and determination to not smoke.
And I have to be honest, ranting here about people who smoke, writing about my dreams that are awesome, feeling good etc is great fun indeed.

But, like I've read, when the initial "high" of not smoking" wears off, many start again because they do not feel like they are a smoker anymore. And it has happened to many people when they're 3, 6 months or even years into being smoke free.

Overall, writing here about all this helps a lot, and I'm definitely sure that down the line, I can always come back to read what I wrote in the beginning, if I should ever have a serious thought about having a smoke.

No urges that i've felt yet + science

Feeling great, only again had some trouble sleeping until alarm rang.

Other than that, again the dream I had last night was totally awesome: in the evening I happened to read an old National Geographic magazine(an article about Hawaii and surfing), and in the dream I was on a yacht (with my now-ex, and two friends) in a storm. The ride was great, until the moment when a too big wave came, and we hit the water nose first.

Next thing I know, I wake up in the dream, and we realise we are floating somewhere near the western coast of the US. After that nothing happened that i can remember.

Great fun though, such vivid dreams are totally like adventures :)

Looks like my theory of a smoker's oxygen-deprived brain during sleep might be true after all? Not quite, yet there is definitely some science behind this:

So everyone, stop smoking and you'll dream with a lot more clarity! :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Action movies!

No smokes still :)

But, had a really great dream yesterday! It was like a full blown action movie basically, with me watching the action (and only participating in the latter part where it came clear that I was the new recruit in the special ops team).

Anyway great fun, and basically I do not really remember or desire smokes when I'm home alone. Feeling great, tried to run yestserday some and wow, could actually do it for like 10-15 minutes. Considering, that I've not run at all during the past years (long distance), felt great.

Every day feeling a little better indeed! :)